Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Should women preach to men - The Biblical verdict: Equal but different

In modern society we tend to think if you are a person who has authority over another, that’s a good thing. If you are someone who has to submit to an authority, that’s a bad thing. However, have we rightly understood the categories of headship and submission? Whilst popular culture portrays headship with the notion of domineering, and submission with the notion of being a doormat, the bible presents a different view. Rather these roles have their roots in something far greater, in God Himself. If we dislike authority and submission we may just find that we are beginning to dislike God himself.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Should women preach to men- the historical evidence

Throughout church history women have been esteemed within the church. They have been esteemed in prayer, in charity, in mind and in pen. However detailed study of the deaconess has amply shown that "there is no evidence that such deaconesses like those in the Apostolic Constiitutions with social and limited liturgical duties ever existed in the West. (74) William Weinrich says "there never was recognized ordained female ministry in the West (or East) that involved teaching in the assembly and ministering at the altar." (william wienrich)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Should women preach to men - The biological basis for Gender-Specific Behavior

Culture these days would have us believe that any real differences between men and women are largely the result of what has been imposed upon them from cultural norms which largely restrict our full potential. The resulting attitude resulting from this theory is that we should actively eliminate all cultural elements that continue to foster traditional attitudes that sexes might be fundamentally different in any meaningful way. Let us explore the evidence together.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Should women preach to men - The impact of feminsm

Feminist ideology has profound implications for the family, business, the economy, politics, the military, marriage, sexual preference and identity, childrearing and education. Those beliefs and practices which have previously been the bedrock of our society, through which people, marriages, relationships, legal systems and children have benefited are being called into question, deemed to be outdated and disbanded with. "Society has gone through massive social upheaval, and we are now living in new uncharted waters. What we see as normal today is in fact, in the history of mankind, very abnormal. Because we have never seen this in the history of mankind before." (Phillip Jensen, prodigal world, 2003)

Should women preach to men - The rise of feminism

The vocal platform of Feminism is that all women living in all cultures are in one way or another oppressed by  men. Feminism claims to promote an ideology that liberates women from this oppression. However is feminism really for women? Is there more under the surface?

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The debate over same sex marriage - The Christians responsibility

How are Christians to respond to the increasing pressure of sexularisers who impose their views onto society. Their fight is for Christians to keep their views out of the public sphere. And many Christians have bought into the lie, and are refusing to speak up for the common good or to defend the truth of God's word. It is impossible for anyone to keep their views and beliefs out of the public sphere because everything we say and do is the result of our worldview. On top of this Christians have a responsibility to fight for the common good and to defend the truth, as is illustrated by William Wilburforce in his wearisome fight to abolish slave labour. Will we fight along side William for what we know to be for the good of children, parents, society and for the glory of God or will we be with those who look back and with sadness at what we allowed to take place?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The debate over same sex marriage - response to liberal revisionist claims

The biblical material seems clear that the homosexual act is wrong, however, there has been a challenge to the traditional interpretations by some called the Revisionists.(T.E. Schmidt, Straight and Narrow? Downers Grove: IVP, 1995.) Many Christians are unprepared for their arguments which reject all the major biblical texts as either irrelevant or misunderstood. The Revisionists argue that the passages that supposedly condemn homosexuality are actually describing activities that modern homosexuals would condemn. Here we shall see why revisionist claims have no biblical credibility.